Event Descriptions & Registration
Each Workshop Day Includes Instruction,
Hands-on Coaching, Handouts/ Workbook, and Lunch
Monday, May 4th - Magical Memoir
Tuesday, May 5th - The 10 Key Scenes That Frame Up Your Novel |
Give your story the wings it needs to help it take flight into the world. In this full-day memoir workshop, you'll learn how to curate your memories, put together and outline, and write cinematically to transport and move your readers. Bring your memories and be ready to share work in a safe, supportive group to get insightful feedback and direction.
Novel writing can be a daunting task, but there's a simple method to getting your story ideas organized, and that's layering! This full-day workshop will teach you all about the 10 key scenes you need to come up with, before anything else, and give you examples to help you get that first layer of your novel done that day!
Enjoy this dynamic day of intensive 90-minute skill-shop sessions. Enhance your skills and writing journey and workshop it that day!
You can book private sessions to discuss your specific needs and questions or to get feedback on writing during the event. Book now to get your preferred time for your one-on-one coaching session during the event at the Early Bird Rate of $65/30-minute consultation at the event Book your one-on-one coaching session at the Women Write Event for $75/30-minute consulting session. Space is limited! *You will be emailed booking links to book your sessions with the Coaches after registration is completed. |
Here's the thing: women started publishing works at a time when there was very little else a woman could do on her own without a husband or father's permission. Writing has ALWAYS BEEN and STILL IS freedom! We've been healing, counseling, creating, starting businesses, and holding communities and families together since the beginning of time, and now we CAN FINALLY SUPPORT OURSELVES AND FAMILIES DOING IT!
We're here to assist you to uncover the book(s) that your Soul wants you to write THIS YEAR! We're going to help you find your authority as a fully embodied expert as you express your voice, share your knowledge and gifts, and give you the support you need to get your message out to support those you are here to serve. 2020 is asking you to start this new powerful decade with the most precious gift you can give to yourself. The birth of your own Creative Work onto the page. You'll enjoy this creative process with a balance of real accountability with feedback, guidance, structure, and flow. ***This two-day workshop is the KICK-OFF to the 90-Day Business to Book program, and at the end (September 30th, 2020) you will have the precious gift of a well written, professional book that holds the magic of your wisdom on every page. Now, that's the kind of love you can't wait to share! This workshop is included as part of the 90-Day Business to Book Program, or you can just register for the two-day event. |
Five Days of Fabulousness!
You've got it! All Five Days!! Need we say more? :-)